Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bridge On A Ball: Scoliosis Exercise Ball Exercise

My exercise ball comes in handy to perform a number of back elongation and core stabilization exercises. Here's a simple, passive exercise ball exercise that I tried that felt amazing on my tight, right mid-back. It allows for tension release of the shoulders and neck, too. The exercise is relatively passive; assume the position and then just relax into it, allowing your muscles to release their tension as you relax over the roundness of the exercise ball.

Bridge On A Ball Exercise Instructions:

1. Using a standard size exercise ball, sit on the ball on slowly roll the ball to the small of your back. 

2. Straighten your arms above your head with the thumbs resting against one another, palms facing upwards. 

Step 2 should look a little like this:
How to Stretch Your Back Using an Exercise Ball

3. Gently bend the elbows to assume a "bridge" yoga position. Don't press up with the hands; simply let the hands fall back behind your head. Use your feet to step the exercise ball to be closer to the small of your back/beneath your butt.

Step 3 should look like this: 

Step 3 could be your ending pose; but, for me, this position is actually a little more work and not as relaxing as taking the pose one step further. Onto Step 4!

Step 4: Bring the thumbs closer together on the floor with the elbows bent. The thumbs should be resting just below the top of your head. Using your feet, gently move your body to allow the ball to roll lower down your torso toward your booty. The end goal is to have your elbows resting on the ground.

Step 4 should look a little like this (with the ball of course supporting your entire back!):

Easy rolling!  

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