Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fun Spinal Twist for Scoliosis & TMJ

I've been working a spinal twist into my daily routines as often as possible. All of the therapists that I've visited on my journey have commented that I have a severe amount of stiffness in my upper back.

I coulda told you that. :)

So, in an effort to mobilize my thoracic spine, here's an easy exercise that I do while sitting at my desk, driving in the car, or hanging out at home.

Spinal Twist with Arms in the Air

1) Put both arms in the air at 90 degree angles with the palms facing outward. You should sort of look like you are about to start a workout on one of these butterfly workout machines:

2) Now, for the fun. First try the exercise while seated. This will help to ensure that you are evenly working both sides of your torso without the advantage of using the legs to shift your weight.

With both of your arms in the air, similar to the lovely lady in red above, begin to make circles with your arms while at the same allowing your torso and ribs to move in response.

To help visualize this exercise, picture a clock directly above your head. While trying to keep the elbows out to your side, move both hands in circles to point to 12:00, 3:00; 6:00, and 9:00, and finally back on 12:00. Then, try it in reverse to get an even stretch on both sides: point to 9:00, 6:00, 3:00, and back to 12:00.

It should look a little something like this:

3) Give the movement a go in the opposite direction, using the clock visualization to keep you moving in the right direction.

I feel a fantastic spinal twist through my torso, especially on my tighter, right TMJ and scoliosis side.

Once you have mastered this simple exercise, turn on some music, stand up, and perform the exercise in a standing position. This time, add your hips and move your arms in bigger clock-circles.

This exercise is fun and gives me an easy way to perform minor spinal adjustments on myself with an easy spinal twist.

Cool pose for a mild spinal twist that feels amazing for scoliosis sufferers. Try it with your curve-side leg on the top (> for right scoliosis curve and right TMJ sufferers, put the left leg below the right).

Have fun! And please, turn up the bass.


  1. Thanks for your feedback, Abdul! Dancing while incorporating some easy scoliosis stretching is a fun way for me to keep up with my scoliosis exercise. All the best!

    Peace and love.
